Monday, July 6, 2009

Vacation Safety Tips for Your Home

By Chris Guerra
Originally published June 30, 2009 at 1:09 p.m., updated June 30, 2009 at 2:12 p.m.
Summer is finally here. For many of us, this is the time of year to take that much needed break from our daily responsibilities and escape for a relaxing summer vacation.
If you're anything like me, I prefer to do as little thinking as possible in my quest for relaxation.
But don't trade in you're thinking cap for a sombrero just yet. Before you go, here are some safety tips to keep in mind and ensure that your home stays safe during your vacation.
Be sure to lock your house when leaving. It sounds simple, but in the excitement of preparing your get away, it's easy to leave doors and windows unlocked. This includes the biggest door on your home, the garage door. The easiest door or window to get into is one that's been left unsecured.
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